Friday, August 26, 2011

Anti-corruption Crusade in India and Its Impact

Govinda Neupane

(This is part of my email reply to my two friends, one in India and another one in Sri lanka.)

 I believe that the goals of Anna Hazare movement are good and awareness has been raised to a large extent against corruption. However, a Lokpal cleanses corruption in India is too simple to expect. By utilizing the institution of Lokpal, several other people will accumulate wealth and grab opportunities unjustly. Hence, the final achievement will be not more or less than a BIG ZERO in tangible terms. Even in this movement, some of the corrupt persons and personalities have got a very good mask to cover their corrupt faces and have become anticorruption crusaders.

Hazare himself has no vision that makes him possible to see the larger picture of India regarding corruption. It is not only an issue but also the integral part of culture. Hence, it needs to be treated also as cultural reformation movement rather than just a law breaking issue.

I think the BIG TAMASHA will be over sooner than later. Hazare will be regarded as NEW Mahatma from Indian and international NGO communities, retired bureaucrats and opposition politicians for their own benefits. Tactically, the governing party will be at loss. However, the collective memory of people use to be too short and in a year, his influence will fizzle out. During election time it will have marginal effect, if any.

Corruption in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan or Sri Lanka could be controlled only when people will be free from fatalistic cultural values, belief systems and practices. Moreover, it should be supported by qualitatively different education system that promotes excellence in understanding, knowledge and practice; more equitable development and transparent law enforcement. It is a long process and the primary focus should be on education that promotes ethics, transparency, accountability and availability of clean earning opportunities.

In essence, the synergy generated by cultural reformation, appropriate development intervention and law enforcement could control corruption. Therefore, we need integrated strategy to control corruption that too on the long run. I think eliminating corruption by bringing an institution like LOKPAL is simply childish wish for Hazare, cleansing opportunities for several hundreds of 'anti-corruption crusaders' and past time for many others.